Izabela Okonska

Web and Social Media Administrator/Admin

Izabela’s primary role is website administration. As part of this, she makes sure that all the content is up to date and works smoothly. In addition, she writes a newsletter and blog for the tenants to keep them up to date with news about their tenancy and issues that may be of interest or concern to them. These responsibilities require expert creative skills to provide the visual content for the company. 

In an extension of this role, Izabela creates the social posts, which is an invaluable way of attracting new clients and provide existing ones with information. These responsibilities mean that Izabela is one of the people that uphold the reputation of the company through her public outreach.

Izabela also follows up on maintenance issues monthly, to make sure that tenants are satisfied with the repairs service and that the work is completed to a high standard.

Izabela also provides support to the Chief Executive and the Board of Management. Izabela is one of the newest members of the team and always turns up to work with a positive approach. 

Izabela joined the team in 2022. 

Izabela Okonska
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