Partnerships for Success: Our Core Beliefs

Our Values and Beliefs

Our commitment to good governance, business effectiveness, and maintaining high standards are key to achieving our mission and vision.

Our Values and Beliefs

The values and beliefs of BCHA remain loyal to those established over 56 years ago to “acquire properties within urban renewal areas and undertake their modernisation” and “maintain dwellings for lettings”. 

Our current Board of Management has defined our mission as follows:

“To provide good quality homes for people in need while ensuring that the association continues to run on a sound financial footing”. 

With this vision in mind the Board has set the following strategic priorities: 

  1. Provide high quality homes and services that meet the needs, wishes and aspirations of our tenants.
  2. Invest in the quality, safety, and environmental sustainability of our homes.
  3. Demonstrate high standards of governance and business effectiveness to maintain a sound financial position.

Our Board of Management aims to maintain BCHA’s independence, financial strength and viability and be a  top performing smaller housing association in the region.

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