Birmingham Civic Housing Association

Pay Direct From Housing Benefit

You may be able to get benefit to help you pay some or all of your rent.

Pay Direct From Housing Benefit

You may be able to get benefit to help you pay some or all of your rent. You will need to contact Birmingham City Council’s Benefit Service to check if this is an option for you or if you receive Universal Credit you should contact the Department of Work and Pension (DWP).

Contact Us If You Need Help

If you need advice please contact us and we will help you make your claim for benefit.

If you receive full or part housing benefit you should ask for this to be paid directly to us. You’ll need to pay any balance or shortfall to us using one of the other ways.

Don’t forget it is your responsibility to claim benefit and you should do so as soon as your circumstances change as any change can affect the amount of benefit you recieve and late claims are often not backdated.

When you start to receive Universal Credit, you’ll need to pay your rent to us using one of the methods on the How To Pay page.

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