Repairing Damage: Your Responsibilities

Repair Responsibilities

Looking after your home is a two-way deal between you and us. We are responsible for most repairs but you also have responsibilities.

Keeping Your Home in Good Condition

Looking after your home is a two-way deal between you and us.

We are responsible for most repairs but you must:

  • keep your home in a clean and tidy good condition
  • let us know as soon as problems occur
  • make sure no one damages your home

Examples of repairs you are responsible for include

  • cleaning and maintaining internal decorations
  • repairing any damage caused by you, your visitors or pets
  • gaining access when you have lost or forgotten your key
  • keeping your garden and outside areas tidy
  • unblocking sinks and pipes caused by inappropriate waste

We are responsible for the structure and exterior, interior fixtures and fittings including all services and communal areas.

Examples of repairs we are responsible for include:

  • roof and chimneys, drains, gutters and pipes, windows, walls floors and ceilings
  • kitchens and bathrooms, heating, gas, water and electricity supplies
  • communal hallways, steps, paving and fencing.

Sometimes repairs will be batched and completed as part of a planned programme, for example, external painting.

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