Find Your Next Home: Allocation Guidelines

Fairness in Allocation: Our Process

We’re committed to providing affordable homes in Birmingham for those who need them most.

How we allocate our homes

Our priority is to make best use of our stock, we first look at transfer requests from existing tenants that need to move to a smaller or larger home and then we either offer the property to the Council to nominate to or we allocate from our direct waiting list.

Direct Waiting List

The direct waiting list is presently closed for new applicants. We will update the website when this reopens.

When open you may apply to join the list if you:

  • You are resident in the UK.
  • You are not subject to immigration control or your leave to remain in the UK is not subject to any limitation or condition.
  • You are over 18.
  • Live, work or study in Birmingham.
  • You have a social or economic reason for wanting to move to Birmingham.
  • You do not own a property elsewhere.

When returning the completed application form to us, you will also need to send photocopies of the following documentation:
We may at times ask to see original documents.

  • Proof of identity for all family members who would be residing in the property
    (such as a passport, driving license, birth certificate).
  • Proof that you reside at your current address (such as a council tax/utility bill).
  • A reference from your current landlord to confirm how your tenancy has been maintained.
  • Proof of Right to remain in the UK, if necessary.
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